Why Can’t I find MGA’s Miniverse sets?

If you are a fellow Miniverse collector, you may have noticed the sets disappeared from retailers a couple weeks ago.

You might not know why.

On June 25th, 2024, MGA Entertainment issued a full recall for “all Make It Miniverse sets with unused liquid resin due to risk of skin, eye and respiratory irritation and Sensitization; Violation of the Federal Hazardous Substances Act”. (You can read all the info HERE.)

At that time, retailers like Walmart, Target, and Amazon stopped selling the Miniverse sets.

It is only recently that MGA Entertainment has brought back some of the Make it Miniverse Series.

A handful of the sets that I have posted videos of are currently not available. And I’m honestly not sure if they will be coming back or not.

I would like to take a moment and remind you of some important facts:

  • Make it Miniverse food kits are NOT EDIBLE! (I feel like this is a no-brainer, but you never know these days!)
  • Resin should not be given to children! It is a chemical and can cause harm if not properly used.
  • When working with resin it’s smart to wear gloves, protective eyewear, and work in a well ventilated area. (You may notice that I do not wear gloves in my videos. That is because I have years of experience working with resin and epoxy and know that it does not irritate my skin. I am also always prepared to thoroughly clean any spilled resin.)

That all being said:

Do I intend to still purchase and use Miniverse kits? Yes, I do.

Will I update my posts to reflect when/if sets become available again? Yes, I will.

You can find current available sets on the MGA’s Miniverse Amazon Page HERE.

And you can always watch my previous Miniverse Videos for remix ideas and inspiration.


Happy Crafting!


3 responses to “Why Can’t I find MGA’s Miniverse sets?”

  1. […] *Some Miniverse Sets are not currently available. Read more HERE.* […]

  2. […] *Some Miniverse Sets are not currently available. Read more HERE.* […]

  3. […] *Some Miniverse Sets are not currently available. Read more HERE.* […]