Easy (Removeable) Faux Stained Glass Window

We have a large window in the downstairs of the front of our house. It’s at the perfect level to the street that anyone can look in and see what we’re doing. Since this is primarily our kids play area, it made me uncomfortable.

Hanging curtains or blinds was my first thought. Until I stumbled across this Privacy Film Static Window Cling, and I knew it was meant to be!

This window cling is easy to install, removable and reusable, and provides privacy protection while still allowing natural light through. Here are before and after pictures:

The tools I used were measuring tape, scissors, exact-o knife, spray window cleaner, and a squeegee.

I simply measured the size of each window, and cut out a piece of the vinyl. Then, spray the window liberally with window cleaner, peel off the backing of the vinyl, and place it on the window. Once it was where I wanted, I used the exact-o knife to trim any edges that were too long. Finally, holding the window cling firmly in place, I used the squeegee to push all the window cleaner to the bottom of the window and removed any bubbles (then cleaned up with a towel).

It took me around 30 minutes to attach window clings to all 3 sections, with the help of my 10 year old.

While the privacy is fantastic, by far my favorite thing about this window cling is the beautiful rainbow it casts across the room! You can get your window cling here: Volcanics Privacy Film Static Window Cling